Category: HMC

Problem with HMC – rebooting

hscroot@localhost:~> vtmenu

Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . 10D400C

Partitions On Managed System: 10D400C
1) LPAR1 Not Available:
2) LPAR2 Not Available:

Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): q


The server with the two LPAR partitions were shut down due to a electric maintenance. I tried to start the partitions but I was having this problem:

hscroot@localhost:~> chsysstate -r lpar -m 10D400C -o on -n LPAR1
Unable to lock the Service Processor. Perform one of the following steps: (1) Check serial cable connection; (2) Check if another Console is communicating with the Service Processor; (3) Perform the Release Lock task; (4) Perform Rebuild task to re-establish the connection.

I tried again and I got a different error.

hscroot@localhost:~> chsysstate -r lpar -m 10D400C -o on -n LPAR1
Command sent to Service Processor failed. Error Response 4.

To reboot the IBM HMC, type the command below

hscroot@localhost:~> hmcshutdown -t now -r

Broadcast message from root (Sun Jun 6 08:35:38 2010):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

I had problems with the reboot and asked to power off and power on the HMC. After that I had no more problems.

Resetting an LPAR on a Power4 system

First you need to check some information for your system on the HMC. Issue the command vtmenu to get the managed system ID and the names of the partitions

hscroot@localhost:~> vtmenu

Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . 108F19C

Partitions On Managed System: 108F19C
2) RETAIL Running:

Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): q


On this example I tried to soft reset the partition called MANUFACTURING

hscroot@localhost:~> chsysstate -m 108F19C -r lpar -n MANUFACTURING -o reset

Since it didn’t work out as expected, I decided to power off the LPAR

hscroot@localhost:~> chsysstate -m 108F19C -r lpar -n MANUFACTURING -o off

hscroot@localhost:~> vtmenu

Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . 108F19C

Partitions On Managed System: 108F19C
2) RETAIL Running:

Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): q


I turned the partition on and after that it worked flawlessly

hscroot@localhost:~> chsysstate -r lpar -m 108F19C -o on -n MANUFACTURING

hscroot@localhost:~> vtmenu

Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . 108F19C

Partitions On Managed System: 108F19C
2) RETAIL Running:

Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): q
