Category: Enterprises

REvolution Computing receives funding from North Bridge Ventures and Intel Capital

REvolution Computing is a company that provides support for the open source R programming language and they received US$9 million from North Bridge Venture and Intel Capital.

Intel Capital is the investment division that was created to see possible new markets and threats to Intel. They invested in Red Hat, MySQL, Marvell Technology Group and recently also funded Joyent, a cloud computing company.

Interesting data for Yahoo! Japan and Microsoft/Yahoo! deal sent an email detailing some information about the japanese operation that Yahoo! has. Yahoo! Japan has 100% profit margins. I always know that their operation in Japan was generating profit but never thought it was generating profit in this scale. Too bad (or good) this is not part of the deal.

Here is part of the email Eurotechnology sent to their subscribers:

Microsoft has offered US$ 44.6 Billion to acquire all outstanding shares of YAHOO Inc. Interestingly, Microsoft would actually only get about 72% of all of YAHOO for this money: all of YAHOO Inc + 33% of YAHOO-Japan. The remaining 67% of YAHOO-Japan (=28% of global YAHOO) will remain with current share holders and will remain traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange for the time being.

YAHOO-Japan is far more successful than YAHOO Inc. Assuming the same 62% Premium, Microsoft would be offering an additional US$ 28 Billion for the remaining 67% of YAHOO-Japan.

YAHOO-Japan is in much better shape than YAHOO Inc.: YAHOO Japan’s profit margin is close to 100%, while global YAHOO Inc’s profit margin is about 18%.

So, how does Lotus Symphony looks like?

IBM released Lotus Symphony, an office suite built with the Eclipse Rich Client Platform for its User Interface and Open Office for the back end office code.

So, how does Lotus Symphony looks like? I don’t know, since the demo requires me to disable my pop-up blocker and try again. Hmmm, I’m not disabling or whitelisting any site to see a demo that I have little interest so I contacted IBM and sent them a message:

Could you make the Lotus Symphony Tour to not open a pop-up window?

I’m not disabling my pop-up blocker to see this product demo (which I still don’t know what’s different from OpenOffice).

If IBM decides to reconsider the approach for the Lotus Symphony demo, let me know through the email address provided.

Emerson Seiti Takahashi

Let’s wait and hope that IBM let me control the way that I view websites.