Tag: vmware

VMware vSphere Client – Error: Call “ServiceInstance.RetrieveContent” for object “ServiceInstance” on Server failed

I was receiving the error below: The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server)

Call “ServiceInstance.RetrieveContent” for object “ServiceInstance” on Server failed

Despite having followed the instructions for this error I was still unable to connect. I solved this problem by uninstalling Widecap, an alternative that I was trying to replace Proxifier

Unable to find the answer LIBDIR – VMware Server

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

root@memcached:~ # rpm -ivh –force VMwareTools-1.0.5-80187.i386.rpm
Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
Unable to find the answer LIBDIR in the installer database
(/etc/vmware-tools/locations). You may want to re-install VMware
Tools.\n\nExecution aborted.

error: %pre(VMwareTools-6533-80187.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping VMwareTools-6533-80187

I cancelled (CTRL+C) in the middle of the installation of the rpm and now I can’t run the installer or reinstall the rpm.